Playing mobile games together is becoming the next family bonding activity!
Adults and children alike, have been playing mobile games of all sorts as a way to entertain and refresh. Children turned towards mobile games for entertainment and as a way to connect with friends. Adults, like children, are interested in mobile games because it allows them to connect with friends and also serve as a shortcut for some me-time.
However, what we’ve been seeing recently is how families are using Lets Bingo to propel bonding between parents and children. Parents are joining in with their children of below 17 years of age, and play Bingo together to win as a team.
It has been observed that parents now see mobile games like Lets Bingo as a way to connect and bond with their children. Instead of chastising their kids for always being on the phone, parents share the love for mobile games which ends up enriching the parent-child relationship. Not only does a game together offer entertainment and bonding, but also offers parents countless ways to insert their own “teaching moment”.
Lets Bingo is contributing to redefine the foundation of family entertainment. It provides users with a familiar feel of a long-loved board game that is enjoyable for both parents and children. Making the app a collaborative experience, Lets Bingo’s prize money also serves as a great motivator for parents and kids to put in team effort and play for the prize.
Families are joining Lets Bingo games, be it All Day or Game Show, and are setting up times that are restricted strictly for “family time”. The Bingo app is redefining the precedent that bonding and connecting doesn’t have to be boring and traditional, especially in the era of technological advancements in the form of competent mobile games.
Download the Lets Bingo app to rekindle the spark between you and your children!